Running your own event? Use our free resources to help you plan.

WE are lining up timings for the Zone of Silence in Mexico, April 8th 202 4. The Eclipse will last 4 min 28s (and much information mainstream is incorrect). Humming using frequency 256Hz will connect humanity. This event has been foretold 14,000 years ago. It is an incredibly pivotal moment in our ascension process. We will use it to manifest New Earth, 5D Gaia faster than we have ever done before. Join us for the great HUM. Lots of love to you all!


CLICK to buy a limited edition AQUAN water bottle that is tuned to 256Hz - the same as the primordial HUM of the eclipse event. Activate your body at a cellular level with gold, frankincense and Myrrh.

Eclipse update Webinar 24 March


PAge 4, feel free to use as you so wish. I waive all copyright to help as many people set up their own groups as possible. Remember the times are GMT/UTC (mean the same thing) so you will need to find your local time but please make sure it matches us for the worldwide HUM ! You might find social media and MSM have your local times as different, but don't worry, please use these as they are correct! They match the zone of silence in Mexico and will be 4 min 28s long - so warm those beautiful throats up and practice your HUM 256Hz.

Lots of love and blessings, Jo


PAge 3, feel free to use as you so wish. I waive all copyright to help as many people set up their own groups as possible. Remember the times are GMT/UTC (mean the same thing) so you will need to find your local time but please make sure it matches us for the worldwide HUM ! You might find social media and MSM have your local times as different, but don't worry, please use these as they are correct! They match the zone of silence in Mexico and will be 4 min 28s long - so warm those beautiful throats up and practice your HUM 256Hz.

Lots of love and blessings, Jo


PAge 2, feel free to use as you so wish. I waive all copyright to help as many people set up their own groups as possible. Remember the times are GMT/UTC (mean the same thing) so you will need to find your local time but please make sure it matches us for the worldwide HUM ! You might find social media and MSM have your local times as different, but don't worry, please use these as they are correct! They match the zone of silence in Mexico and will be 4 min 28s long - so warm those beautiful throats up and practice your HUM 256Hz.

Lots of love and blessings, Jo


PAge 1, feel free to use as you so wish. I waive all copyright to help as many people set up their own groups as possible. Remember the times are GMT/UTC (mean the same thing) so you will need to find your local time but please make sure it matches us for the worldwide HUM ! You might find social media and MSM have your local times as different, but don't worry, please use these as they are correct! They match the zone of silence in Mexico and will be 4 min 28s long - so warm those beautiful throats up and practice your HUM 256Hz.

Lots of love and blessings, Jo


With so much disinformation around this event, I thought I would share our carefully worked out events schedule. We are timing with the zone of silence in Mexico, on April 8th 2024 before we believe this is the place and time because it is when the earth will go dark for 4 mins 28s (the longest period). And even this information is not being told on MSM platforms, they have it at 4min 28s and the timings are really confusing on many websites!

But do not fear, we have done all the calculations for your and and even created all the event timings so you have somewhere to start. Remember, our timings are for UTC/GMT (mean the same things), please adjust your timings to join in with the GREAT HUM, EVEN IF YOUR LOCAL ECLIPSE TIMES ARE DIFFERENT. This is to create a world-wide mass meditation at the perfect time, with the purest 5D intention with the perfect frequency to really catapult us into 5D earth and watch the matrix crumble faster and faster. 

Love you all!

Blessing, peace and love Jo 

I don't spam! I will only update you with important new updates about new earth technologies. Love to you all! and thank you!